One may think what’s the real need of a backpack? We think of shopping in terms of what we want to buy. But the reason we spend money goes beyond just possessing things. Shopping, like many other things we do, is the chase for pleasure. It is a crucial part of our daily hunt for joy and happiness. That’s why there is a growing demand for online shops too. You will find people order food, go for movies, buy the best backpacks for women in Malaysia , book themselves a spa treatment at home, shop clothes, electronics and so on. These are different forms of pleasure. A woman’s body is poles apart than a man’s. They have different level of strength and bone density. This plays a big role in carrying heavy objects. Women tend to get strained muscles and cramps sooner than men. There are many other bodily reasons why women should carry a backpack when moving around with heavy materials in a small purse. Best backpacks for Women in Malaysia In simple words- they ...