There are three main areas where you'll need to make choices: The backpack features: These are the enhancements in your best backpacks for women in Malaysia that affect how the pack works for you. Backpack capacity: The dimension of the pack that you'll need is tied to the length of your tour and how much mass and bulk you want to carry. Backpack fit: The length of your Torso, not your height, is what matters the most if you want to buy backpacks for women in Malaysia Under the backpack features, note these Frame Type Internal-frame backpacks: The popularity of body-hugging internal frame packs that are designed to keep a hiker stable on rough, off-trail land work the most. They may integrate a variety of load-support technologies that all work to transfer the load to the hips. Frameless backpacks: people who like to hike fast and light might want a frameless pack or a climbing pack where th...